Saturday, July 12, 2014

Super Moon Meltdown....

It's Super Moon time!!  What's a "Super Moon" you ask?  In everyday people speak....It's a full moon that's super close to Earth making it look super big.  As you may know - full moons have long been associated with werewolves and heightened emotions.  Well, I don't know about the werewolf part buuut - I'm a Mom and every Mom knows - when the moon gets full the kids get CRAZY!!  Now, the thought of a Super Moon approaching sends the PMSing Mom to a teething 8 mos. old, moody pre-teen and off the wall 8 yr old into near convulsions.  And, I'm sure I'm not the only one!  I sense impending doom on the horizon. There will be meltdowns and silent naps and crying jags.  And, I can't even begin to imagine how this phenomenon will affect the kids!  There's only one way to face this day - lots of chocolate, caffeine and multiple "disappearances".  They'll just think I'm playing hide and seek. Things should run pretty smooth until that Super Moon starts to peek up over the horizon.  Then it's every man for himself!  The seemingly happy sweet children that played "hyperly" all day will turn into sniveling, emotional monster minions.  The emotions could run high or they could run low...they could turn at a moment's notice...only time will tell.  Fangs could erupt and shrieking howls may be heard.  But, rest easy - morning will come...and that 'ol Super Moon will move to the other side of the world to wreak havoc.  Tonight is the height of this phenomenon, the Super Moon will wane over the next few days and humanity will be restored. Stay vigilant though my fellow Mommies...there are projected Super Moons on the horizon for August and September.  Stock up early on your booze, chocolate and coffee!

The effects of the Super Moon on me and my kids....   


  1. I've got the chocolate part covered, LOL. My daughter has been acting crazy for the last few days for some reason, and I wonder if the moon has something to do with it.

    1. Crazytown here too!! It's definitely the moon - that means it will get better :)

  2. I am a nurse and I can certainly attest to the effects of a full moon on the human race - it ain't pretty. All the crazies come out and that's the nurses. I know it has an effect on me as well... no sleeping the next few nights which will definitely help with my moods. So, I have plenty of coffee and chocolate - beware family....

    1. oh yeah!! I bet you have seen it all!! haha!
